Results for 'Karen an-Hwei Lee'

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  1.  39
    On New-Wave Asian Feminist Mermaids; The Final Words of Madame Mao.Karen an-Hwei Lee - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (3):741.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 42, no. 3. © 2016 by Karen An-hwei Lee 741 Karen An-hwei Lee On New-Wave Asian Feminist Mermaids On a new wave, the old white shark fixates on everything with a slit— jade cheomsang or qipau slit on the left side, a mailbox in Hong Kong, a can opener about to spill sardines from the South China Sea, split female consciousness of folklore (...)
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    Preface.Matt Richardson & Ashwini Tambe - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (3):559.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface That an overtly white-nationalist misogynist demagogue was voted into power in the United States is cause for alarm and despair. As the election results sink in and analyses take shape, we at Feminist Studies mark this moment via poetry, a tradition of feminist expression that we have long nurtured. We include in this issue a special section on poems responding to the election. Raw by necessity, they allow (...)
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    Cognitive and Emotional Appraisal of Motivational Interviewing Statements: An Event-Related Potential Study.Karen Y. L. Hui, Clive H. Y. Wong, Andrew M. H. Siu, Tatia M. C. Lee & Chetwyn C. H. Chan - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:727175.
    The counseling process involves attention, emotional perception, cognitive appraisal, and decision-making. This study aimed to investigate cognitive appraisal and the associated emotional processes when reading short therapists' statements of motivational interviewing (MI). Thirty participants with work injuries were classified into the pre-contemplation (PC,n= 15) or readiness stage of the change group (RD,n= 15). The participants viewed MI congruent (MI-C), MI incongruent (MI-INC), or control phrases during which their electroencephalograms were captured. The results indicated significant Group × Condition effects in the (...)
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    Hearing silence: Organizing from an aesthetic perspective. [REVIEW]Karen Lee Ashcroft - 2000 - Human Studies 23 (4):413-421.
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    Episodic memory: It's about time (and space).Lynn Nadel, Lee Ryan, Katrina Keil & Karen Putnam - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):463-464.
    Aggleton & Brown rightly point out the shortcomings of the medial temporal lobe hypothesis as an approach to anterograde amnesia. Their broader perspective is a necessary corrective, and one hopes it will be taken very seriously. Although they correctly note the dangers of conflating recognition and recall, they themselves make a similar mistake in discussing familiarity; we suggest an alternative approach. We also discuss implications of their view for an analysis of retrograde amnesia. The notion that there are two routes (...)
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    The Pedagogical Imperative.Karen L. Hornsby - 2016 - Teaching Philosophy 39 (1):51-68.
    This article is a commentary response to the study results outlined in “The State of Teacher Training in Philosophy.” In recognition of the study’s determination that 70 percent of the jobs new philosophers will apply for are non-tenure track, our graduate programs must provide training in teaching excellence and the fostering of student learning, or what I call pedagogical areté. I will argue that achieving this teaching excellence requires 1) Familiarity with cognitive neuroscience advancements on how people learn, 2) Knowledge (...)
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    Return to Work and Work Productivity During the First Year After Cancer Treatment.Serana Chun Yee So, Danielle Wing Lam Ng, Qiuyan Liao, Richard Fielding, Inda Soong, Karen Kar Loen Chan, Conrad Lee, Alice Wan Ying Ng, Wing Kin Sze, Wing Lok Chan, Victor Ho Fun Lee & Wendy Wing Tak Lam - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesWorking-age cancer patients face barriers to resuming work after treatment completion. Those resuming work contend with reduced productivity arising from persisting residual symptoms. Existing studies of return to work after cancer diagnosis were done predominantly in Western countries. Given that employment and RTW in cancer survivors likely vary regionally due to healthcare provision and social security differences, we documented rates and correlates of RTW, work productivity, and activity impairment among Chinese cancer survivors in Hong Kong at one-year post-treatment.MethodsOf 1,106 cancer (...)
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  8. Consciousness Makes Things Matter.Andrew Y. Lee - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    This paper argues that phenomenal consciousness is what makes an entity a welfare subject. I develop a variety of motivations for this view, and then defend it from objections concerning death, non-conscious entities that have interests (such as plants), and conscious entities that necessarily have welfare level zero. I also explain how my theory of welfare subjects relates to experientialist and anti-experientialist theories of welfare goods.
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    Corticomotor Excitability Changes Associated With Freezing of Gait in People With Parkinson Disease.Ya-Yun Lee, Min-Hao Li, Chun-Hwei Tai & Jer-Junn Luh - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  10. Rationales for indirect speech: The theory of the strategic speaker.James J. Lee & Steven Pinker - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (3):785-807.
    Speakers often do not state requests directly but employ innuendos such as Would you like to see my etchings? Though such indirectness seems puzzlingly inefficient, it can be explained by a theory of the strategic speaker, who seeks plausible deniability when he or she is uncertain of whether the hearer is cooperative or antagonistic. A paradigm case is bribing a policeman who may be corrupt or honest: A veiled bribe may be accepted by the former and ignored by the latter. (...)
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  11.  22
    Opinion Pooling.Lee Elkin & Richard Pettigrew - 2025 - Cambridge University Press. Edited by Richard Pettigrew.
    Disagreement is a common feature of a social world. For various reasons, however, we sometimes need to resolve a disagreement into a single set of opinions. This can be achieved by pooling the opinions of individuals that make up the group. This Element provides an opinionated survey on some ways of pooling opinions: linear pooling, multiplicative pooling (including geometric), and pooling through imprecise probabilities. While this Element gives significant attention to the axiomatic approach in evaluating pooling strategies, it also evaluates (...)
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    The aesthetic appreciation of nature, scientific objectivity, and the standpoint of the subjugated: Anthropocentrism reimagined.Wendy Lynne Lee - 2005 - Ethics, Place and Environment 8 (2):235-250.
    In the following essay, I argue for an alternative anthropocentrism that, eschewing failed appeals to traditional moral principle, takes (a) as its point of departure the cognitive, perceptual, emotive, somatic, and epistemic conditions of our existence as members of Homo sapiens, and (b) one feature of our experience of/under these conditions particularly seriously as an avenue toward articulating this alternative, the capacity for aesthetic appreciation. To this end, I will explore, but ultimately reject philosopher Allen Carlson's ecological aesthetics, and I (...)
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  13. Urban elementary school teachers' knowledge and practices in teaching science to English language learners.Okhee Lee, Scott Lewis, Karen Adamson, Jaime Maerten‐Rivera & Walter G. Secada - 2008 - Science Education 92 (4):733-758.
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    Author's Response to'Book Review: Equality, Dignity, and Same-Sex Marriage: A Rights Disagreement in Democratic Societies'.Man Yee Karen Lee - 2011 - Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 36:196-200.
  15.  11
    Developing a moral compass: Themes from the Clinical Ethics Residency for Nurses’ final essays.Susan Lee, Ellen M. Robinson, Pamela J. Grace, Angelika Zollfrank & Martha Jurchak - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):28-39.
    Background: The Clinical Ethics Residency for Nurses was offered selectively to nurses affiliated with two academic medical centers to increase confidence in ethical decision-making. Research Question/Aim: To discover how effective the participants perceived the program and if their goals of participation had been met. Research design: A total of 65 end-of-course essays (from three cohorts) were analyzed using modified directed content analysis. In-depth and recursive readings of the essays by faculty were guided by six questions that had been posed to (...)
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    Embodied Cognition in Dark Times.Lee Wilson - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6 (1):51-58.
    Michelle Maiese and Robert Hanna’s The Mind-Body Politic sets out to combine both the philosophy of essentially embodied cognition (EEM) and emancipatory political theory to put forth a “new critique of contemporary social institutions.” There remains, however, an explanatory gap between the general, normative foundations of their approach in EEM, and the particular critiques of neoliberalism and the alternative presented. This paper explores an alternative totalitarian pathway (as understood by Arendt) that such general EEM normativity might lead us, as a (...)
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    The Conceptual Bind in Defining the Volitional Component of Alcoholism: Consequences for Public Policy and Scientific Research.Richard Vatz & Lee Weinberg - 1990 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 11 (3-4):531-544.
    An essential element in both lay and professional definitions of alcoholism is the a priori claim that afflicted individuals lack control over their drinking and/or over their behavior while drinking. The social, legal and scientific consequences of accepting this claim are examined. Based on specific evidence drawn from recent journal articles, we argue that alcohol researchers fail to adequately engage the issue of volition and that their research designs and findings are thereby flawed.
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    Significance and Implications of Paul’s Concept of Leadership for the Korean Church Today.Craig A. Smith & So Ra Lee - 2011 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 28 (2):114-128.
    The growth of the Korean Church in the 20th century has been an amazing phenomenon but it is starting to show some cracks, particularly in the area of leadership. This article examines how its culture, in particular the affects of Shamanism and Confucianism, have contributed to some of the problems being experienced in Korean leadership today. The authors consider this issue in light of the Corinthian correspondence, suggesting that appropriation of Paul’s understanding of the church and leadership might go a (...)
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  19.  16
    Appreciating the ‘work’ of discourse: occupational identity and difference as organizing mechanisms in the case of commercial airline pilots.Karen Lee Ashcraft - 2007 - Discourse and Communication 1 (1):9-36.
    This article pursues two central goals. First, I seek to advance the sustained study of occupational identity as a pivotal mechanism for organizing work and, thus, as a productive means of integrating the aims of two scholarly movements: 1) the ‘dislocation’ of organization and 2) the renewed emphasis on work in organization studies. Specifically, I propose the study of evolving relations between occupational image discourse and role communication, and my analysis of US commercial airline pilots enacts the potential of such (...)
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  20.  10
    Doing Mark in a Juvenile Correctional Facility.Karen J. Lee - 1986 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 6 (3):9-16.
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    COVID-19 Pandemic, Transparency, and “Polidemic” in the Republic of Korea.Cheol Kang & Ilhak Lee - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (2):213-224.
    This article examines the development of the Republic of Korea’s strategy to prevent the spread of COVID-19 with particular focus on ethical issues and the problem of politicization of public communication. Using prominent examples of stakeholders who have acted and expressed themselves in highly contradictory ways on the topic of the pandemic, we provide an analysis of how the public health policy discourse has entered into the realm of politicization and elaborate on the danger that this phenomenon poses in terms (...)
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  22. Gene expression patterns in a novel animal appendage: The sea urchin pluteus arm.A. C. Love, M. E. Lee & R. A. Raff - 2007 - Evolution & Development 9:51–68.
    The larval arms of echinoid plutei are used for locomotion and feeding. They are composed of internal calcite skeletal rods covered by an ectoderm layer bearing a ciliary band. Skeletogenesis includes an autonomous molecular differentiation program in primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs), initiated when PMCs leave the vegetal plate for the blastocoel, and a patterning of the differentiated skeletal units that requires molecular cues from the overlaying ectoderm. The arms represent a larval feature that arose in the echinoid lineage during the (...)
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    Employing critical realism within and beyond social studies of health: tenets, applications, possible future research and action.Lee F. Monaghan - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (3):274-291.
    Critical realism provides an alternative to positivism and interpretivism. It foregrounds ontology and an evaluative approach to knowledge, while promoting eclectic reasoning, transdisciplinarity, and ethical research across the quantitative/qualitative, macro/micro and other divides. Health researchers have usefully employed critical realism, though it has also been dismissed as strange, a source of self-deception and hubris. Furthermore, it has been accused of dehumanizing many people. Responding to these charges, this article makes the case for carefully employing critical realism within and beyond social (...)
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  24.  8
    The Market Economy: A Reader.James Doti & Dwight Lee - 1991 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The Market Economy: A Reader outlines the characteristics and philosophical underpinnings of the market economy and its usefulness in the allocation of resources. This anthology offers a comprehensive set of authentic, primary source selections that demonstrate how the tenets of classical economic liberalism provide the foundation for an efficient economic system--while also maximizing individual freedom. The readings also provide a structure for analyzing economic and philosophical issues. The book includes selections from several authors who are not economists but whose work (...)
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  25. Intertranslatability and Ground-Equivalence.Chanwoo Lee - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    When are logical theories equivalent? I discuss the notion of ground-equivalence between logical theories, which can be useful for various theoretical reasons, e.g., we expect ground-equivalent theories to have the same ontological bearing. I consider whether intertranslatability is an adequate criterion for ground-equivalence. Jason Turner recently offered an argument that first-order logic and predicate functor logic are ground-equivalent in virtue of their intertranslatability. I examine his argument and show that this can be generalized to other intertranslatable logical theories, which supports (...)
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    The Goods of Community? The Potential of Journalism as a Social Practice.Lee Salter - 2008 - Philosophy of Management 7 (1):33-44.
    This paper considers the question of whether journalism can be considered to be a social practice. After considering some of the goods of journalism the paper moves to investigate how external goods can corrupt the practice and make it somewhat ineffective. The paper therefore looks to consider ways in which the goods claimed have been better served in ‘radical’ journalism. Bristol Independent Media Centre is then evaluated as an example of an active project in which the goods of community are (...)
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    The Historiography of the Front de Liberation du Quebec: Frameworks, ‘Identity’ and Future Study.Kevin Lee Pinkoski - 2012 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 3 (2).
    This paper examines the historiography of the Front de Liberation Quebecois within the context of three frameworks, each used to devaluate the FLQ, the idea of separation, its potential support and most importantly, the perspectives of historians who oppose these frameworks. Through an examination of the literature, the FLQ are framed as an attack on British liberalism, an attack on Canadian Unity, or violent in a political climate where such actions were unjustifiable. These understandings work cooperatively together to de-legitimize alternative (...)
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    Ethics, Pandemic Planning and Communications.Wendy A. Rogers & Connal Lee - 2006 - Monash Bioethics Review 25 (4):9-18.
    In this article we examine the role and ethics of communications in planning for an influenza pandemic. We argue that ethical communication must not only he effective, so that pandemic plans can be successfully implemented, communications should also take specific account of the needs of the disadvantaged, so that they are not further disenfranchised. This will require particular attention to the role of the mainstream media which may disadvantage the vulnerable through misrepresentation and exclusion.
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    Book review: Jolanta Aritz and Roby C Walker (eds), Discourse Perspectives on Organizational Communication. [REVIEW]Karen Lee Ashcraft - 2013 - Discourse and Communication 7 (4):459-462.
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    Buddhism and the Emerging World Civilization: Essays in Honor of Nolan Pliny Jacobson.Ramakrishna Puligandla & David Lee Miller - 1995 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    This captivating new book, a milestone in Buddhist and comparative studies, is a compilation of seventeen essays celebrating the work and thought of Nolan Pliny Jacobson. A profoundly motivated interdisciplinary thinker, Jacobson sought to discover, clarify, and synthesize points of similarity among leading thinkers of different Oriental and Western cultures. For almost half a century, he articulated his vision of an emerging world civilization, one in which all people can feel and express their creative, constructive powers for the benefit of (...)
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    Women in Buddhism: Images of the Feminine in Mahayana Tradition.Karen J. Lee - 1982 - Philosophy East and West 32 (2):222-226.
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    Chinese Islam’s understanding of Zhongxiao 忠孝: Jin Tian-zhu’s 金天柱 Qing Zhen Shi Yi 清眞釋疑.Lee Oh Ryun - 2023 - Asian Philosophy 33 (2):163-175.
    The scholar Jin Tian-zhu (1690 ~ 1765) was a Muslim of the Hui 回 ethnic group in the Qing dynasty who adhered to Islamic traditions handed down from generation to generation. In Qing Zhen Shi Yi, Jin Tian-zhu attempts to combine Confucianism and Islam through a simple comparison of their rituals. Jin Tian-zhu expresses his respect for Allah by attesting Allah’s existence and insisting that humans should obey Allah. He admits that in reality, besides Allah, the ruler is also clearly (...)
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  33.  13
    Teacher Inquiry: Living the Research in Everyday Practice.Anthony Clarke & Gaalen Lee Erickson (eds.) - 2003 - Routledge.
    The research teachers carry out into their own professional practice and environment is increasingly recognised as highly relevant and valuable. As well as being an exciting and fulfilling kind of research to carry out, it informs both policy and practice in education, constitutes a key resource for teachers, teacher educators and policy makers and is important for professional development. Bringing together accounts of teacher research projects from all over the world and from all sectors of education, _Teacher Inquiry: Living the (...)
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    Retroactive Continuity and Fictional Facts.Jeonggyu Lee - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics 64 (4):669-686.
    This paper deals with the phenomenon of retroactive continuity, or retcon for short, in which the truth-value of a proposition in an established fictional work is changed later. The primary aim of this paper is to provide the most compelling explanation for retroactive continuity. I first defend the metaphysical view about fiction, according to which when retconning occurs, a fictional work changes its property of containing a proposition while preserving its identity. I then argue that this view is theoretically preferable (...)
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    When Giants Meet—a Discourse on Contemporary and Alternative Therapy Use from an Ethical Perspective.Cindy Shiqi Zhu & Wee Lee Chan - 2018 - Asian Bioethics Review 10 (2):157-163.
    In Singapore’s multicultural society, a sizable proportion of the population subscribes to complementary and alternative medicine. In this article, we discuss the impact this has on medical practice in the context of the four principles of medical ethics. To uphold the principle of autonomy, we propose a non-judgmental approach towards patients who use CAM. Nevertheless, in order to promote health and prevent harm, the safety profiles of CAM must be studied through systematic research. In addition, the principle of justice is (...)
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    Comparing the Cataloguing of Indigenous Scholarships: First Steps and Finding.Julia Bullard, Sarah Dupont & Tamara Lee - 2021 - Knowledge Organization 48 (4):298-306.
    This paper provides an analysis of data collected on the continued prevalence of outdated, marginalizing terms in contemporary cataloguing practices, stemming from the Library of Congress Subject Heading term “Indians” and all its related terms. Using Manitoba Archival Information Network’s (MAIN) list of current LCSH and recommended alternatives as a foundation, we built a dataset from titles published in the last five years. We show a wide distribution of LCSH used to catalogue fiction and non-fiction, with outdated but recognized terms (...)
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    Two can play at this game: a dual-individuation account of games.James Lee - 2025 - Synthese 205 (1):1-23.
    This paper defends a theory of how it is that games are identical both at a time and over time. I argue that this view is an improvement over the account that Michael Ridge defends in his paper “Individuating Games”. This improvement involves a distinction between two kinds of individuation: constitutive individuation and relational individuation. I argue that this distinction does a better job at solving the various puzzles that are related to the synchronic and diachronic identity of games. I (...)
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    Conversations on Irving Street: Josiah Royce's contribution to symbolic interactionism.Darrick Lee Brake - 2019 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press. Edited by Corey Reiner & Frank Tridico.
    What influence did Josiah Royce's academic work (1913-1917) have on the development of classical Symbolic Interactionist thought? And which philosophical influences shaped Royce's social and philosophical thought? This book provides a holistic approach to Royce's academic work and the social philosophy that shaped Symbolic Interactionist theory. By critically evaluating the works of Royce, this book reveals how his ideas and social philosophy made significant contributions to both Symbolic Interactionist thought and sociological theory. Situating his contributions within a socio-historical time frame, (...)
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    Evaluation of resource allocation and supply–demand balance in clinical practice with high‐cost technologies.Tetsuya Otsubo, Yuichi Imanaka, Jason Lee & Kenshi Hayashida - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (6):1114-1121.
    Japan has one of the highest numbers of high-cost medical devices installed relative to its population. While evaluations of the distribution of these devices traditionally involve simple population-based assessments, an indicator that includes the demand of these devices would more accurately reflect the situation. The purpose of this study was to develop an indicator of the supply–demand balance of such devices, using examples of magnetic resonance imaging scanners (MRI) and extracorporeal shockwave lithotripters (ESWL), and to investigate the relationship between this (...)
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    Self‐Deception in Human–Sex Robot Intimacy.Jin Hee Lee & Christina Chuang - 2025 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 42 (1):303-319.
    A common sentiment among anti-sex-robot scholars is the apprehension that sex robots will normalize and perpetuate sexual violence towards humans. In this new chapter within the feminist sex war, the authors of this article tend to agree with anti-sex-robot concerns and seek to further identify potential harms of sex robots. However, instead of characterizing the harm in terms of what the robots represent and symbolize, we are primarily interested in the internal state of the user and the type of relationship (...)
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  41.  42
    Moral Psychology: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory.Sandra Lee Bartky, Paul Benson, Sue Campbell, Claudia Card, Robin S. Dillon, Jean Harvey, Karen Jones, Charles W. Mills, James Lindemann Nelson, Margaret Urban Walker, Rebecca Whisnant & Catherine Wilson (eds.) - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Moral psychology studies the features of cognition, judgement, perception and emotion that make human beings capable of moral action. Perspectives from feminist and race theory immensely enrich moral psychology. Writers who take these perspectives ask questions about mind, feeling, and action in contexts of social difference and unequal power and opportunity. These essays by a distinguished international cast of philosophers explore moral psychology as it connects to social life, scientific studies, and literature.
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    A Cross-Cultural Examination of SNS Usage Intensity and Managing Interpersonal Relationships Online: The Role of Culture and the Autonomous-Related Self-Construal.Soon Li Lee, Jung-Ae Kim, Karen Jennifer Golden, Jae-Hwi Kim & Miriam Sang-Ah Park - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Web-Based Psychoeducation Program for Caregivers of First-Episode of Psychosis: An Experience of Chinese Population in Hong Kong.Sherry K. W. Chan, Samson Tse, Harrison L. T. Sin, Christy L. M. Hui, Edwin H. M. Lee, Wing C. Chang & Eric Y. H. Chen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    From Ascetic Ideals to Honest Illusions: A Nietzschean Interpretation of Inception.Yonghwa Lee & Kyoung-Min Han - 2025 - Film-Philosophy 29 (1):244-263.
    This article illuminates the open ending of Christopher Nolan's film Inception (2010) in light of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy. Drawing particularly on Nietzsche's notions of ascetic ideals and honest illusions, the article contends that Cobb's refusal to look at the spinning top can be seen not necessarily as his renunciation of autonomy but as his new attempt to affirm his existence and create meanings. Mal's tragic death has turned Cobb into an ascetic idealist who paradoxically resorts to self-torture to alleviate his (...)
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    Temptation in Mengzi 1A7.Joonho Lee - 2024 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 23 (4):559-578.
    The harmony thesis about a virtuous person, widely held by neo-Aristotelians, supposes that someone highly vulnerable to temptation is not virtuous at all. However, is that the only plausible picture of a virtuous person’s psychology? This essay aims to offer an alternative picture by discussing the account of virtue in the thought of Mengzi 孟子 and his conception of moral exemplars. First, I analyze the Mengzian moral exemplar as depicted in _Mengzi_ 1A7—specifically, the susceptibility of the nobleman (_junzi_ 君子) to (...)
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    The Manipulation Argument and a Kantian account of freedom.Byeong D. Lee - 2024 - Theoria 90 (6):567-582.
    On Kant's view, we are rational beings who are morally responsible for our actions. The main goal of this paper is to show that this Kantian view of ourselves is not undermined by the Manipulation Argument, which is currently the biggest challenge to compatibilism. To this end, I argue that a Kantian account of freedom offers a new soft-line reply to this argument. On this Kantian account, moral responsibility requires not only positive freedom but also negative freedom. An agent is (...)
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    The meaning of baselines.David Lee Robinson - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):370-370.
    Images of mindsuperbly summarizes work on cognitive neuroscienee using PET scanning. Some of the data emphasized suggests that parietal cortex is involved in the disengagement of attention. We have discovered neurons in awake monkeys which could perform this function. Another point of emphasis is the concept of neutral cues. Although an appealing concept, it is extremely difficult to define what is actually neutral.
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    Ethics and political advertising.Lynda Lee Kaid - 2000 - In Robert E. Denton, Political communication ethics: an oxymoron? Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
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    The Brain: What Everyone Needs to Know.Gary Lee Wenk - 2017 - Oxford University Press USA.
    What is the principle purpose of a brain? A simple question, but the answer has taken millennia for us to begin to understand. So critical for our everyday existence, the brain still remains somewhat of a mystery. Gary L. Wenk takes us on a tour of what we do know about this enigmatic organ, showing us how the workings of the human brain produce our thoughts, feelings, and fears, and answering questions such as: How did humans evolve such a big (...)
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    The Antinomy of the Anthropocene: The Narrative of Enlightenment in Dipesh Chakrabarty’s Ecological Theory.Haram Lee - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (4):75-93.
    This article examines Dipesh Chakrabarty’s ecological theory to explore inherent tensions, ambiguities, and contradictions concerning human agency in Anthropocene discourse. Contra most commentators, I argue that Chakrabarty’s account of the Anthropocene remains neither modernistic nor posthumanistic per se because his view of the human turns out to be consistently inconsistent. Chakrabarty apparently advances an anti-anthropocentric and posthumanist explanation of the climate crisis by shifting his focus from the ‘species’ to the ‘planet’. However, his account of the planet remains within the (...)
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